I have practiced depth psychotherapy for near thirty years, studying traditional theory and practice at Wesleyan and Antioch Universities with postgraduate work in body oriented gestalt therapy, self psychology, women’s developmental theory, feminist therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, and Working with Spirit Craniosacral Therapy with Michael Boxhall.
I have also studied Wise Woman healing and Women’s Spirituality for 20 years, in intensives, tutorials, apprenticeships, and at the Women’s Mystery School. For many years I worked with Vicki Noble, studying Women’s Spirituality and Tibetan Buddhist practices for western women. With Lama Tsultrim Allione at Tara Mandala I have studied the Chod practice, completed the Kapala Training, and am certified in the Feeding Your Demons practice.
Since 1998, I have worked with Deena Metzger on the discernment of spiritual guidance through the integrated practice of divination, story, dream, event, and life experience. This work has been profound in shifting my healing focus from ego to soul, from human centered to All Our Relations. I have also worked with Patricia Reis for many years in the soulful work of diving into the dream narrative and story. Most recently I was a student for two years at the Orphan Wisdom School studying The Mandatory Arts of Living and Dying Well with Stephen Jenkinson.
Deep gratitude to all the deep divers I have known – whether they be formal teachers, wise colleagues and friends, animals, spirits, dreams, or beloved writers and poets – they have helped me develop a deep and wide perspective in my work and life.